Past event

Fabricating Homeland Security: police entanglements across India and Palestine/Israel Book launch: Dr Rhys Machold, Senior Lecturer at Glasgow University

Co-sponsored by the Centre for Global Law and Governance (CGLG) and the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPCS), this event will host Dr Rhys Machold, Senior Lecturer at Glasgow University, who will give a discussion about his recently published book Fabricating Homeland Security: police entanglements across India and Palestine/Israel (Standford University Press).

Rhys' book shows that homeland security is rarely just a matter of the homeland: it involves the circulation and multiplication of policing practices across borders. Pairing insights from science and technology studies with those from decolonial and postcolonial theory, Fabricating Homeland Security looks at the fall-out of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks, concentrating on the efforts of Israel's homeland security industry to advise and equip Indian city and state governments.