Past event

After Genocide, Materialistic Metaphysics: Towards Empatic Cartographies

Weekly seminar of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics (CSRP) online. This paper is a brief introduction to a larger research project that outlines different aspects, and therefore different methodologies related to the Yazidi genocide in Iraq that took place between 2014-2018 under the occupation of Daesh, known in the West as ISIS, a fundamentalist Islamic movement that created a caliphate in Iraq and Syria. Raqqa in Syria became the centralised political capital of the Caliphate while Mosul in Iraq became the centre of operations to apply a very struct sharia law in Iraq, including the ownership of slaves, and women as the main objects of such commercial operation in human beings. In this project, Nadia Murad, Amal Clooney, Olivia Wells, and others have led not only the communal discussions of the Murad Code in different university communities but have triggered this project as a three-volume publication project with the following volumes:
Mario I. Aguilar, Nadia Murad: Yazidi and World Peacemaker, Routledge, 2022.
Mario I. Aguilar, After Genocide, Empathic Cartographies, and the God of the Peripheries, SCM, 2023.
Mario I. Aguilar, Religion and Minorities in Iraq: From Gertrude Bell to the 2014 Yazidi genocide. Anthem Press, 2023.

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