97 results found
  1. CRISP online seminar

    Requirements specifications for AI systems

    This fifth online seminar of the Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance and Privacy (CRISP) will welcome Professor David Robertson who is Chair of...

  2. Chai Night with STAMSA

    Kaleidoscope Alumni Network

    Come along to meet fellow St Andrews Muslim Students Association and Islamic Society alumni and friends for an informal and friendly chai with light bites....

  3. Light lunch with medical alumni

    Kaleidoscope Alumni Network

    Join us for a light lunch gathering at The Health Academy at the Royal Preston Hospital, Preston. We're looking forward to catching up with School of...

  4. Reading group on Robé's 'Property, power and politics'

    Governance, Organisations and Accountabilities thematic research group meeting

    This is the first meeting of a University of St Andrews Business School reading group on Jean-Philippe Robé's 'Property, power and politics: why we...

  5. What's new in Windows 11

    Walter Bower House drop-in

    Join IT Services at the Walter Bower House drop-in to find out more about the new features in Windows 11. We will look at: --- Redact personal information...

  6. University of St Andrews Business School impact clinic

    This event for staff in the University of St Andrews Business School is planned as a supportive space for discussing issues and challenges with engagement and...

  7. Department of Finance seminar with Dr George Kladakis

    Sustainability-related disclosures and bank credit ratings

    This research seminar will welcome Dr George Kladakis, Lecturer in Finance with the University of St Andrews Business School. Dr Kladakis will present research...

  8. Alumni Weekend 2024

    Alumni are invited to come together from June 14-16 in St Andrews, for a weekend of meeting up with old friends, reminiscing about University days in the...

  9. Reading group on Karl Marx's 'Capital'

    This is the first meeting of a reading group on Karl Marx's 'Capital' which will take place throughout Semester 1. The aim is to work together...

  10. Applied Microeconomics Seminar with Dr Ingo Isphording, IZA Research Director

    More information is coming soon.