Search by event location: st salvator's quad

Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh: From the Irish: bringing a minority language out into the world

Acclaimed Irish-language poet and translator, Dr Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh will read a selection of her recent work and reflect on the challenges of writing and publishing in Irish as a minority language. Please see her website for more information about her work: Salvator's Quad13:00 PM to 14:00 PM

The Contested Use of Staatraison/Raison d’Etat Against the Backdrop of the Gaza Conflict

Abstract: The talk discusses the contested use of ‘Staatsraison / Raison d’Etat’ against the backdrop of the Gaza conflict. In light of the horrific October 7 attacks by Hamas in 2023, the long dormant norm has been recently been reactivated by German government representative to demonstrate ‘unwavering solidarity with Israel’. Over the past year, the…St Salvator's Quad16:00 PM to 17:30 PM

GloPost community workshop with Linda Kaljundi

A GloPost community workshop with Linda Kaljundi in which we will read and respond to some of her recent work on Estonian entanglements with colonialism. In this workshop we will read Linda’s essay “Decolonize that — Estonian Identity as Indigenous and/or White” and discuss some objects and images that were included in her 2019-2020 exhibition…St Salvator's Quad12:00 PM to 13:00 PM

Torchlit Parade

Experience a magical torchlit parade from St Salvator’s Quad to St Mary’s Quad passing by St Andrews Harbour to watch the sun setting over the East Sands beach. Alumni, students, friends, families and staff are warmly invited to participate in this evening procession, with the opportunity to carry one of 100 ‘geolights’.St Salvator's Quad19:00 PM to 20:00 PM

Vigil for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

The Students’ Association’s Sex and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) Forum, a student-led group chaired by a Sabbatical Officer, the Director of Wellbeing and Equality, is holding a vigil for survivors of sexual violence. Staff and student speakers will say a few words, and there will be a moment of silent reflection. Join us to reflect…St Salvator's Quad17:30 PM to 18:00 PM

Dragon and Lion Dance 舞龍舞獅

Edinburgh’s Yee’s Hung Ga Kung Fu Academy will perform lion and dragon dances in St Salvator’s Quad to celebrate the beginning of the Lunar New Year. Please note the venue has switched from St Mary’s Quad to St Salavator’s Quad. For further information please email [email protected].St Salvator's Quad12:00 PM to 13:00 PM

Teach-in: Gaza and justice

As we pass 100 days of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza with a spread of conflict in the region, this Teach-In provides a forum for discussing questions of justice, rights, and obligations under international law, and the international role or indeed obstruction posed by global powers in the application of international law. Speakers: Dr Malaka…St Salvator's Quad18:00 PM to 19:30 PM

Holocaust Memorial Vigil

To commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day, the University Interfaith Steering Group will hold a solemn vigil that will feature poetry, music, and a moment of silence. All are welcome to share in this significant occasion, regardless of faith or philosophy of life.St Salvator's Quad19:00 PM to 20:00 PM

cracked desert land

Adapting to climate change: effective crisis management strategies

Join staff and students from the School of International Relations and the Graduate School for this public lecture presented by Dr Christos Stylianides, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy of the Hellenic Republic and former European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management (2014 to 2019). Dr Stylianides is a Greek-Cypriot and Greek politician…St Salvator's Quad17:15 PM to 18:30 PM

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