Search by event location: jack cole building

Friday Sustainable Beach Clean

Marking sustainability week, we will gather in the North Haugh and set off to clean our beaches.Jack Cole Building11:00 AM to 13:00 PM

Sustainable Computing open mic

This open forum will address computing and it’s contribution, realised and potential to achieving Sustainable Development Goals associated with UN AGENDA 2030. This open Mic will take diverse contributions including discussion related to goals such as Climate Action, Sustainable Communities and Clean Energy. Virtual Reality Exhibits will enable exploration of Climate Futures and the global…Jack Cole Building15:00 PM to 17:00 PM

Doors Open @ Computer Science

Our Doors Open Day includes 60+ individual demos and workshops. Presenting these will be our staff and students, with representation from 1st year right through to PhD students. Demos will be from coursework and research projects and represent some of the highlights from the academic year. Our exhibitors will be present and look forward to…Jack Cole Building10:00 AM to 16:00 PM

Doors Open @ CS

On 11th April, the School of Computer Science at St Andrews will host for our first ever Doors Open event. We will be thrilled to welcome any and all visitors from outwith the School, whether you are locally based, from elsewhere in the UK or from overseas. As a rapidly growing school, we are looking…Jack Cole Building10:00 AM to 16:00 PM

Activism and dissent in authoritarian technological environments

Journalist Kirsten Han is visiting St Andrews to discuss her work in the context of large technological platforms such as Twitter. Although hosted in Computer Science, this discussion should be of interest to students and staff beyond the School, as well as students interested in taking CS5055 Data Ethics & Privacy. For many people, Twitter…Jack Cole Building14:00 PM to 15:00 PM

Teaching and Assessing Technology Ethics

As ethical issues surrounding technology become increasingly prevalent in society, they are also seeing commensurate interest amongst computer science educators. A recent SIGCSE paper (Fiesler, Garrett and Beard 2020) found 202 different syllabi across a variety of university technology ethics courses. One of the conclusions of the paper is that “there is a lot that…Jack Cole Building12:00 PM to 17:00 PM

School of Computer Science Seminar by Sara Thomas (Wikimedia UK)

Title: Wiki in the time of Covid-19 This presentation was going to talk about the use of bots on Wikipedia, and how these automated contributors contribute to the growth of the world’s biggest encyclopedia. But then Covid-19 happened, and it seemed like perhaps this would be a forum in which to talk about disinformation, open…Jack Cole Building14:00 PM to 15:00 PM

International women’s day is coming soon! – Public Collaborative Wikipedia Editing (4).

Hello Everyone, Are you interested in learning a new skill by an accredited Wikimedia UK trainer and supporting St Andrew’s women at the same time?! I am conducting a series of Wikipedia editing events, where I will provide free training on Wikipedia editing and the available tools. I will be inviting participants to these events…Jack Cole Building14:00 PM to 17:00 PM

International women’s day is coming soon! – Public Collaborative Wikipedia Editing (3).

Hello Everyone, Are you interested in learning a new skill by an accredited Wikimedia UK trainer and supporting St Andrew’s women at the same time?! I am conducting a series of Wikipedia editing events, where I will provide free training on Wikipedia editing and the available tools. I will be inviting participants to these events…Jack Cole Building14:00 PM to 17:00 PM

International women’s day is coming soon! – Public Collaborative Wikipedia Editing (2).

Hello Everyone, Are you interested in learning a new skill by an accredited Wikimedia UK trainer and supporting St Andrew’s women at the same time?! I am conducting a series of Wikipedia editing events, where I will provide free training on Wikipedia editing and the available tools. I will be inviting participants to these events…Jack Cole Building14:00 PM to 17:00 PM

Contact us

University of St Andrews
College Gate
St Andrews
KY16 9AJ
Fife, Scotland, UK

Phone:+44 (0)1334 47 6161