Search by event location: bute building

Bell Pettigrew Sessions – February

Join Museums of the University of St Andrews, the Students’ Association and STAR: St Andrews Radio to enjoy fantastic live music from St Andrews’ quirkiest venue. From singer-songwriters with a guitar to acoustic funk via jazz, soul and more besides, the Bell Pettigrew Sessions showcase the best student musicians in town.Bute Building19:00 PM to 20:00 PM

Biodiversity Working Group: help us make a difference

Join us for an open meeting where you can hear about how the Biodiversity Working Group looks after biodiversity on the University Estate and how you can get involved. The Biodiversity Working Group creates, maintains and facilitates the University’s Biodiversity Action Plan. These actions come from students and staff, and steps to make them happen are…Bute Building16:00 PM to 17:00 PM

Bell Pettigrew Museum consultation

Libraries and Museums are rethinking the role of the Bell Pettigrew Museum of Natural History. This event is for academic staff to contribute their thoughts and ideas around three key questions: – What role the Bell Pettigrew Museum could and should play in the University – How the Bell Pettigrew Museum can support the University’s…Bute Building10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

SEES Seminar: The return to the Moon — with robots and humans, Prof. Gordon Osinski

We are pleased to be welcoming Prof. Osinski from the University of Western Ontario to our School. He has been hand-picked by NASA to train the next corps of lunar astronauts in geology. Title: The return to the Moon — with robots and humans Abstract: These are exciting times for lunar exploration. It has been…Bute Building13:00 PM to 14:00 PM

Reading and Writing Hong Kong in Scotland: Poetry Reading

Poets from Scotland and England who identify with the Hong Kong Chinese British diaspora read their poems. The poets Tim Tim Cheng, Anna Cheung, Sean Wai Keung, Wendy Law and Jennifer Wong will read from their recent work. The evening will highlight the 2023 International Hong Kong Poetry Anthology, Where Else, edited by Jennifer Wong,…Bute Building17:30 PM to 19:00 PM

In Person SEES Seminar — Dr Robert Johannes Giebel, Researcher, Berlin Institute of Technology

Carbonatites are relatively rare magmatic rocks originating from the Earth’s mantle, defined by a modal content of 50 vol.% carbonates.Despite their relative rarity, with only about 600 occurrences worldwide, they represent an important economic resource.Sixty out of 600 occurrences represent world-class deposits of LREE, Nb, F, P and/or Fe, with further economic concentrations of Zr…Bute Building13:00 PM to 14:00 PM

In Person SEES Seminar — Dr Phil Renforth of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

Geochemical based carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere to help prevent climate change: Over the previous two decades, a diverse array of geochemical carbon dioxide removal approaches (CDR) have been proposed, which use alkaline minerals for removing and permanently storing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Geochemical CDR include CO2 mineralization (methods which react alkaline minerals with…Bute Building13:00 PM to 14:00 PM

Virtual SEES Seminar — Dr Guillaume Avice, University of Paris

This seminar will be a virtual talk and live telecasted in Teams. Open to all staff and students, please join us in Bute room A15 or on MS Teams using the meeting link. Title: Studying the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere with noble gases: recent advances in paleo-atmospheric studies Abstract: Planetary atmospheres are fundamental reservoirs…Bute Building13:00 PM to 14:00 PM

In Person SEES Seminar — Dr. Frances Cooper, University College London

Abstract: Copper (Cu) is a vital part of the global effort to transition away from fossil fuels towards a greener, low-carbon economy. It is an essential component of most clean energy technologies, from wind turbines and solar panels to electric vehicles and energy storage. Today, 75% of the world’s Cu is mined from porphyry Cu…Bute Building13:00 PM to 14:00 PM

Profs Alison Landsberg & Timotheus Vermeulen ‘Metamodern Memory: On Blade Runner, Then and Now’

The Cultural Identity and Memory Studies Institute warmly invites you to the talk ‘Metamodern Memory: On Blade Runner, Then and Now’ by Professor Alison Landsberg, who will be visiting St Andrews from 5 to 10 March as part of a Global Fellowship, and her collaborator Professor Timotheus Vermeulen. Alison Landsberg is Professor of History and…Bute Building16:15 PM to 17:30 PM

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University of St Andrews
College Gate
St Andrews
KY16 9AJ
Fife, Scotland, UK

Phone:+44 (0)1334 47 6161