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Wee Wardlaws
Colourful Crayons
Help your little one explore the world around them through museum objects, stories, songs, crafts and things to do and spot. This event is for children 0 to 5...
Limited access
Art Rebels: Wild Walls
Holiday Workshop: 7+
Join the Wardlaw Museum for their family programme "Art Rebels" as they learn all about graffiti. Learn graffiti techniques to create your own wild...
Limited access
Art Rebels: Wild Walls
Holiday Workshop: Under 7s
Join the Wardlaw Museum for their family programme "Art Rebels" as they learn all about graffiti. Learn graffiti techniques to create your own wild...
Limited access
Art Rebels: Wild Walls
Holiday Workshop: Under 7's
Join the Wardlaw Museum for their family programme "Art Rebels" as they learn all about graffiti. Learn graffiti techniques to create your own wild...
Limited access
Art Rebels: Wild Walls
Holiday Workshop: 7+
Join the Wardlaw Museum for their family programme "Art Rebels" as they learn all about graffiti. Learn graffiti techniques to create your own wild...
Limited access
Art Rebels: Chance Art
Holiday workshop for children under 7
Join the Wardlaw Museum for their family programme "Art Rebels" as they learn all about chance art. Create your own masterpiece with techniques from...
Limited access
Art Rebels: Chance Art
Holiday workshop for children aged 7 and above
Join the Wardlaw Museum for their family programme 'Art Rebels' as they learn all about chance art. Create your own masterpiece with techniques from...
Limited access
Art Rebels: Chance Art
Holiday workshop for children under 7
Join the Wardlaw Museum for their family programme 'Art Rebels' as they learn all about chance art. Create your own masterpiece with techniques from...
Limited access
Art Rebels: Chance Art
Holiday workshop for children aged 7 and above
Join the Wardlaw Museum for their family programme "Art Rebels" as they learn all about chance art. Create your own masterpiece with techniques from...
Wee Wardlaws
Perfect Potters
Help your little one explore the world around them through museum objects, stories, songs, crafts and things to do and spot. This event is for children 0 to 5...