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Fully-matching results
Middle East and Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari
The politics of History and historical writing in modern Iran
Middle East and Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari The politics of History and historical writing in modern Iran
Institute of Intellectual History -- Hannah Dawson (KCL)
Reconstructing early modern selfhood: the case of feminism
Reconstructing early modern selfhood: the case of feminism
Middle East & Iranian Seminar -- Dr Amir Parsa
The Emergence of Popular Sovereignty in Iran: A World Historical Perspective
Middle East & Iranian Seminar -- Dr Amir Parsa The Emergence of Popular Sovereignty in Iran: A World Historical Perspective
Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Giovanni Petrocelli
The University of Padua and the reluctant adoption of print
Giovanni Petrocelli (St. Andrews) -- The University of Padua and the reluctant adoption of print
Institute of Intellectual History -- Camila Vergara (Essex)
The People and Constituent Power
James H. Burns Memorial Lecture
Institute of Intellectual History -- Ann Thomson (European University Institute)
Debating Enlightenment
Debating Enlightenment
Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Jessica Barker (Courtauld)
Portuguese Monuments and the Ecology of Empire (1434-1487)
Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Jessica Barker (Courtauld) -- Portuguese Monuments and the Ecology of Empire (1434-1487)
Medieval History Seminar -- Professor John Sabapathy (UCL)
Anachronic Cockaigne: experiments with the history of a non-existent land
Medieval History Seminar -- Professor John Sabapathy (UCL) -- Anachronic Cockaigne: experiments with the history of a non-existent land
Institute of Intellectual History -- Dina Gusejnova (LSE)
Captive Knowledge. How Enemy Aliens Transformed the Western Canon in the Second World War
Captive Knowledge. How Enemy Aliens Transformed the Western Canon in the Second World War
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar --- Prof Steve Boardman (University of Edinburgh)
Bruce before Barbour: The tales of the Outlaw King
This Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar presents Professor Steve Boardman (University of Edinburgh) -- Bruce before Barbour: The tales of...