Upcoming events

6 results found
  1. University Staff Golf Competitions

    University Staff Golf Competitions


    Organisers of the annual staff golf competitions are looking for participants for 2024. Anyone interested in playing in this year's knock-out competitions...

  2. Morning Prayers

    Morning Prayers

    for Freshers' Week

    A short service of morning prayers followed by coffee. All welcome.

  3. Freshers' Faith Fayre

    Freshers' Faith Fayre

    A chance for new and returning students (undergraduate and postgraduate) to meet chaplains and students faith societies. Free lunch available.

  4. Film Studies welcome reception

    Film Studies welcome reception

    A welcome reception for all new and returning students taking Film Studies. An opportunity for students to meet Film Studies staff and socialise with one...

  5. Gleaners, devils and pits: Bolivian mining community films

    Gleaners, devils and pits: Bolivian mining community films

    Film screening and talk

    One of the most remarkable experiments in radical film pedagogy and media proletarianisation in Latin America cinema is the Miner's Film Workshop, held in...

  6. Postgraduate Walking Tour

    Postgraduate Walking Tour

    Join the Chaplain, Revd Dr Donald MacEwan, on a tour of the sacred places and churches around St Andrews. Meet at the Chaplaincy, 3 St Mary's Place at...