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Fully-matching results
Guess who's coming to dinner? Ceramic form and style in medieval and post medieval Scotland
Derek Hall, Medieval Ceramics Specialist, University of St Andrews
Derek Hall, University of St Andrews, takes us into Medieval Scotland through its pots. Medieval Scotland always looked towards Continental Europe for its trade...
Art History Research Lecture: Dr Giulia Paoletti
Negotiating the Visible: Photography in Senegal
Join us for Dr Giulia Paoletti Research Lecture on 'Negotiating the Visible: Photography in Senegal' and a wine reception afterwards at 79 North...
New light on early medieval Lindisfarne
Dr David Petts, University of Durham
Dr David Petts, University of Durham, presents findings from nine years of excavations on the site of the early medieval monastery of Lindisfarne, by a team...
Art History Research Lecture: Dr Jeremy Melius
Ruskin After Turner
Join us for Dr Jeremy Melius Research Lecture on 'Ruskin After Turner' and a wine reception afterwards at 79 North Street. Bio: Jeremy Melius is...
Banning destructive anti-satellite tests: necessity and possibility
Guest Speaker Dr Adam Bower
Earth orbit is an increasingly "congested, competitive, and contested" domain. Human societies are deeply reliant on satellite-enabled services but...
Ambivalent Loyalty and Dissonance: Alawite Community Dynamics Amidst the Syrian War
CSS MS Teams Event
CSS Webinar, Microsoft Teams, Thursday 27 March, 4:00-5:30 UK Time Haian Dukhan and Rahaf al-Doughli, Ambivalent Loyalty and Dissonance: Alawite Community...
Limited access
The Next Crisis: what we worry about, and why?
Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, University of Oxford
The greatest concerns worldwide, for the future of where we live, is not climate change and its impacts, is not extinction and loss of biodiversity, is not...
Ovid's ecological disasters: scalar zoom and the challenges of narrative time
Alison Sharrock (Manchester)
Annual lecture of the Centre for Ancient Environmental Studies Abstract Although climate change seems to have speeded up in the last few years, it still...
Bringing Peace to Our World
James Gregory Lectures on Human Flourishing
This public lecture in the series of James Gregory Lectures on Human Flourishing will be given by Canon Sarah Snyder, who has more than 30 years of experience...
Stop Cop City and the Future of Direct Action Environmental Justice
Special Guest Speaker - Joseph Brown
The Stop Cop City movement represents a convergence of racial justice, anarchism and environmentalism. Activists employ diverse tactics to halt the construction...