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Fully-matching results
Contemporary Histories of Populist Success in Central and Eastern Europe
A public research seminar with Charles University
European politics in the last few decades has been defined by the rise of various populisms, both far right and far left. Central and Eastern Europe in...
Guess who's coming to dinner? Ceramic form and style in medieval and post medieval Scotland
Derek Hall, Medieval Ceramics Specialist, University of St Andrews
Derek Hall, University of St Andrews, takes us into Medieval Scotland through its pots. Medieval Scotland always looked towards Continental Europe for its trade...
Early Modern and Reformation Seminar --- Dr Charmian Mansell (Sheffield)
Everyday Travel in Early Modern England
Dr Charmian Mansell (Sheffield) Everyday Travel in Early Modern England
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Postgraduate Session
Details to follow
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Postgraduate Session -- Details to follow
Institute of Intellectual History -- Dina Gusejnova (LSE)
Captive Knowledge. How Enemy Aliens Transformed the Western Canon in the Second World War
Captive Knowledge. How Enemy Aliens Transformed the Western Canon in the Second World War
Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Dr Lewis Wade (Leiden)
The Sun King Rises in the East: Languedocian Cloth and the Articulation of a Franco-Asian Commercial Axis
Dr Lewis Wade (Leiden) -- The Sun King Rises in the East: Languedocian Cloth and the Articulation of a Franco-Asian Commercial Axis
School of History Research lunch
Presentations from Laura Incollingo and Andrew Edwards
Two 15 minute presentations from our academic colleagues. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to [email protected]
Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Jessica Barker (Courtauld)
Portuguese Monuments and the Ecology of Empire (1434-1487)
Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Jessica Barker (Courtauld) -- Portuguese Monuments and the Ecology of Empire (1434-1487)
New light on early medieval Lindisfarne
Dr David Petts, University of Durham
Dr David Petts, University of Durham, presents findings from nine years of excavations on the site of the early medieval monastery of Lindisfarne, by a team...
Institute of Intellectual History -- Katharina Rietzler (Universiity of Sussex)
Women's International Thought in U.S. Public Culture: A Divided History
'Women's International Thought in U.S. Public Culture: A Divided History