Upcoming events

12 results found
  1. Film Studies Speaker Series: Anat Pick (Queen Mary University of London)

    Film Studies Speaker Series: Anat Pick (Queen Mary University of London)

    "Showing Up: Kelly Reichardt's Multispecies Comedy of Care"

    Kelly Reichardt's Showing Up (2022) is portrait of a female artist by a female artist that explores the connections between artmaking and acts of care...

  2. BAFTSS New Connections and Film Studies Speaker Series: Beth Pyner (Cardiff University)

    BAFTSS New Connections and Film Studies Speaker Series: Beth Pyner (Cardiff University)

    Encounters in the Cinematic Gallery: Reading Intermediality in Diana Markosian's Santa Barbara

    A research talk by Beth Pyner, a doctoral candidate in English and Visual Culture at the University of Cardiff, generously supported by the British Association...

  3. Film Studies Speaker Series: Chiara Quaranta (University of Edinburgh)

    Film Studies Speaker Series: Chiara Quaranta (University of Edinburgh)

    "Opaque Openings: On the Ambiguous Iconoclasm of the Black Screen"

    A research talk by Dr Chiara Quaranta, a Teaching Fellow in Film Studies at the University of Edinburgh, an editorial board member of the journal...

  4. Storytelling through craft: using stitch as a catalyst for feminist and change-making conversations

    Storytelling through craft: using stitch as a catalyst for feminist and change-making conversations

    Vanessa Marr, Prinicpal Lecturer, University of Brighton

    Join Principal Lecturer Vanessa Marr (RSA, SFHEA) from the University of Brighton, practice-based researcher and maker, for an insightful journey into her...

  5. Knowledge and Practice thematic research group meeting

    Knowledge and Practice thematic research group meeting

    This meeting of the Department of Management's Knowledge and Practice thematic research group (K&P) will welcome Dr Tao Wang from EM Lyon. Dr...

  6. Governance, Organisations and Accountabilities thematic research group meeting

    Governance, Organisations and Accountabilities thematic research group meeting

    Inertia: purposeful inefficiencies in financial markets

    This meeting of the Department of Management's Governance, Organisations and Accountabilities (GOA) thematic research group will welcome Professor of...

  7. Innovation through collaboration: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs)

    Innovation through collaboration: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs)

    The University of St Andrews Research Business Development team invites you to Innovation through collaboration: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs). The...

  8. Film Studies Speaker Series: Hiroshi Kitamura (William & Mary)

    Film Studies Speaker Series: Hiroshi Kitamura (William & Mary)

    "When Shirley MacLaine became 'Japanese': My Geisha and Hollywood's Filmmaking in Cold War East Asia"

    A research talk by Hiroshi Kitamura, Associate Professor of History and Director of International Relations at William & Mary College...

  9. Third Front Museums and Creative Parks in Urban Guizhou

    Third Front Museums and Creative Parks in Urban Guizhou

    Guest Talk by Dr Paul Kendall, University of Westminster

    Since its beginnings in the 1960s, the Third Front (三线) has undergone a major discursive transformation, from military secret under Mao Zedong and economic...

  10. Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group meeting

    Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group meeting

    'WOASIS' writing workshop for work in progress

    This meeting of the Department of Management's Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group will continue the Work, Organisations and Society...