Upcoming events

25 results found
  1. Middle East & Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari

    Middle East & Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari

    The politics of History and historical writing in modern Iran

    Middle East & Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari The politics of History and historical writing in modern Iran

  2. Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Katie Tycz

    Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Katie Tycz

    Documenting the History of Popular Religious Print in Early Modern Italy: Printed Prayers, c. 1460--1660

    Katie Tycz (St. Andrews) -- 'Documenting the History of Popular Religious Print in Early Modern Italy: Printed Prayers, c. 1460--1660'

  3. Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Jessica Barker (Courtauld)

    Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Jessica Barker (Courtauld)

    Portuguese Monuments and the Ecology of Empire (1434-1487)

    Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Jessica Barker (Courtauld) -- Portuguese Monuments and the Ecology of Empire (1434-1487)

  4. Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Giovanni Petrocelli

    Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Giovanni Petrocelli

    The University of Padua and the reluctant adoption of print

    Giovanni Petrocelli (St. Andrews) -- The University of Padua and the reluctant adoption of print

  5. Medieval History Seminar -- Professor John Sabapathy (UCL)

    Medieval History Seminar -- Professor John Sabapathy (UCL)

    Anachronic Cockaigne: experiments with the history of a non-existent land

    Medieval History Seminar -- Professor John Sabapathy (UCL) -- Anachronic Cockaigne: experiments with the history of a non-existent land

  6. Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Graham Barrett (Durham University)

    Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Graham Barrett (Durham University)

    De viris illustribus: on the organisation and transmission of knowledge in medieval Western Europe

    Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Graham Barrett (Durham University) De viris illustribus: on the organisation and transmission of knowledge in medieval...

  7. Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Dr Charmian Mansell (Cambridge)

    Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Dr Charmian Mansell (Cambridge)

    Everyday Travel in Early Modern England

    Dr Charmian Mansell (Cambridge) -- 'Everyday Travel in Early Modern England'

  8. Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Basil Bowdler

    Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Basil Bowdler

    A Multinational Hero: Celebrating and Contesting the Duke of Marlborough in the Anglo-Dutch Public Sphere, 1702-1706

    Basil Bowdler (St. Andrews) -- 'A Multinational Hero: Celebrating and Contesting the Duke of Marlborough in the Anglo-Dutch Public Sphere,...

  9. Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Postgraduate Session

    Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Postgraduate Session

    Details to follow

    Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Postgraduate Session -- Details to follow

  10. St Andrews Institute of Medieval Studies: Annual Lecture

    St Andrews Institute of Medieval Studies: Annual Lecture

    St Andrews Institute of Medieval Studies presents their annual lecture, presented by Professor John Arnold, University of Cambridge, on 'Inquisitors,...