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Fully-matching results
Early Modern and Reformation Seminar --- Zachary Brookman (St Andrews)
The Company of Pastors and the Regulation of Religious Printing in Seventeenth-Century Geneva
Zachary Brookman (St Andrews) -- The Company of Pastors and the Regulation of Religious Printing in Seventeenth-Century Geneva
Early Modern and Reformation Seminar --- Basil Bowdler
A Multinational Hero: Celebrating and Contesting the Duke of Marlborough in the Anglo-Dutch Public Sphere, 1702-1706
Basil Bowdler (St. Andrews) A Multinational Hero: Celebrating and Contesting the Duke of Marlborough in the Anglo-Dutch Public Sphere, 1702-1706
Early Modern and Reformation Seminar --- Dr Charmian Mansell (Sheffield)
Everyday Travel in Early Modern England
Dr Charmian Mansell (Sheffield) Everyday Travel in Early Modern England
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Postgraduate Session
Details to follow
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Postgraduate Session -- Details to follow
Early Modern and Reformation Seminar --- Dr Morten Fink-Jensen (Copenhagen)
Connections with England and Scotland in the Danish Reformation
Dr Morten Fink-Jensen (Copenhagen) Connections with England and Scotland in the Danish Reformation
Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Dr Lewis Wade (Leiden)
The Sun King Rises in the East: Languedocian Cloth and the Articulation of a Franco-Asian Commercial Axis
Dr Lewis Wade (Leiden) -- The Sun King Rises in the East: Languedocian Cloth and the Articulation of a Franco-Asian Commercial Axis
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Dr Emily Ward (University of Edinburgh)
Comparing "Scotland" and "Germany" in the High Middle Ages
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Dr Emily Ward (University of Edinburgh) -- Comparing "Scotland" and...
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar --- Dr Linden Bicket (University of Edinburgh)
George and Ann Scott-Moncrieff: Scottish Literary Converts and the Nation
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Dr Linden Bicket (University of Edinburgh) -- George and Ann Scott-Moncrieff: Scottish Literary...