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Unauthenticated letters in late Roman North African disputes: forgeries or negotiation strategies?
Becca Grose (St Andrews)
This is a School of Classics Event. For further information please contact [email protected] If you wish to join this event on Teams, sign up to our...
Sublimity at Colonus: from Yeats to Mahon
Fiona Macintosh (Oxford)
Annual lecture of the St Andrews Centre for Receptions of Antiquity. Abstract There is nothing new about turning to Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus...
"Are we not men?" Animals and stigmatising assumptions in Ancient Rome
Jack Lennon (Leicester)
This is a School of Classics Event. Abstract This paper will consider the use of animal comparisons, especially those involving animals that were judged to...
'Voluntarium et naturale'? Slave onomastics in ancient Italy
Katherine McDonald (Durham)
This is a School of Classics Event. Abstract This paper turns a critical eye on the naming of enslaved people in ancient Italy, using Latin, Etruscan and...
Friendship, Philosophy, Forgery: Greek letter collections 400 BC to AD 400
Andrew Morrison (Glasgow)
The letter collections of Greco-Roman antiquity dwarf in total size all of ancient drama or ancient epic put together, but have not received anything like as...
Tumultus Iudaicus: the diaspora revolts and the rebuilding of Cyrene
Caroline Barron (Durham)
This is a School of Classics Event. Abstract The outbreaks of violence amongst the Jewish communities of ancient Alexandria, Cyrene, Cyprus and Mesopotamia...
Going beyond tools: Deep neural networks for ancient Greek epigraphic networks
Thea Sommerscheid (Nottingham)
This is a School of Classics Event. Abstracts Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence are transforming the study of ancient languages, enabling tasks...
Ovid's ecological disasters: scalar zoom and the challenges of narrative time
Alison Sharrock (Manchester)
Annual lecture of the Centre for Ancient Environmental Studies Abstract Although climate change seems to have speeded up in the last few years, it still...
'Other emperors have freed cities, Nero alone an entire province': Nero's liberation of Greece...
Line Girdvainyte (Edinburgh)
'Other emperors have freed cities, Nero alone an entire province': Nero's liberation of Greece revisited. Abstract This paper focuses on a...