Today’s events

6 results found
  1. Relaxed drawing @ Wardlaw

    Relaxed drawing @ Wardlaw

    Drop into the Wardlaw Museum to relax and draw. Find a place in the galleries and take inspiration from great artworks, capture the detail of an ancient...

  2. Battles of the Nile: conflict and revolution in Sudan

    Battles of the Nile: conflict and revolution in Sudan

    Special guest speaker: Barney Afako

    This lecture will reflect on the histories of conflict and revolution in Sudan, analysing the causes and drivers of its multiple conflicts, including...

  3. Byre World 24/25: The Mothers of the Belgian Empire's Stolen Children

    Byre World 24/25: The Mothers of the Belgian Empire's Stolen Children

    FREE but please book

    During Belgium's colonisation of what are now the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi, mixed-'race' children born from relations...

  4. Art History Research Lecture: Dr Rachel Boyd

    Art History Research Lecture: Dr Rachel Boyd

    The 'Dudley Madonna': Devotion, Design, Display

    Join us for Dr Rachel Boyd Research Lecture on 'The 'Dudley Madonna': Devotion, Design, Display' and a wine reception afterwards at 79...

  5. Institute of Museums, Heritage and Society Annual Lecture

    Institute of Museums, Heritage and Society Annual Lecture

    Museum Collections and Research

    Please join us in School 2 at 5pm on the 12th of February for the Institute of Museums, Heritage and Society Annual Lecture given by Dr Sam Alberti, Director of...

  6. Seminar Series: Collective Behaviour and Intelligence

    Seminar Series: Collective Behaviour and Intelligence

    Continuation of the discussion on collective representations

    The goal of the Collective Behaviour and Intelligence seminar series is to explore the phenomena of collective behaviour and intelligence, the mechanisms...