This week’s events

4 results found
  1. Trying to conceive with erectile dysfunction

    Trying to conceive with erectile dysfunction

    Erectile dysfunction (ED) can make trying for a baby more complicated, but help is available.

    Trying to start a family when you or your partner has ED can feel frustrating and isolating, but it doesn't have to be that way. In this event,...

  2. Nutritional support for PCOS

    Nutritional support for PCOS

    Living with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can be challenging, but nutrition can help.

    Symptoms like irregular periods, unwanted hair growth and acne can take a toll on both your mental and physical wellbeing. Join registered nutritional therapist...

  3. Testosterone troubles in midlife

    Testosterone troubles in midlife

    Low energy and erectile dysfunction are often considered a normal part of ageing, but they could indicate a problem with your testosterone level.

    Andropause --- often dubbed 'male menopause' in the media --- refers to the symptoms you might experience as your hormones change as you get...

  4. Sunday Worship

    Sunday Worship

    Founders and Benefactors

    To commemorate the Founders and Benefactors of the University, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Rt Revd Dr Shaw Paterson, will...