This week’s events
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Induction of labour: What to expect
Do you think your little one might arrive late? Find out what your options are and how to look after your wellbeing during this time.
Most people naturally go into labour between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy, but sometimes you might need a helping hand. This is known as induction of labour,...
CREDI and Work, Organisations and Society research event
Not just hot flushes and mood swings: managing menopause transition in the workplace
This joint event with the Centre for Research into Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (CREDI) and the the Department of Management's Work, Organisations...
Department of Economics Seminar with Professor Christoph Görtz, University of Augsburg
The Changing Nature of Technology Shocks
Professor Christoph Görtz is a scholar specializing in macroeconomics, financial economics, and monetary economics. Abstract: We document changes to the...