This month’s events
Fully-matching results
Adventures in mass spectrometry: from one steroid to many molecules
Research seminar as part of the School of Biology's Biomolecular Sciences (BMS) External Seminar series by Dr Natalie Homer, Centre for Cardiovascular...
Department of Finance Seminar with Professor Emilia Garcia Appendini, Norges Bank
Rewiring supply chains through uncoordinated climate policy
This research seminar will welcome Professor Emilia Garcia Appendini, who is a Senior Research Economist at Norges Bank, an Associate Professor of Banking at...
Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group meeting
'WOASIS' writing workshop for work in progress
This meeting of the Department of Management's Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group will continue the Work, Organisations and Society...
Department of Economics Seminar with Dr Alexander Mihailov, University of Reading
Currency Compositions of Foreign Exchange Reserves by Country: Insights from a New Dataset
Alexander's research interests lie in international macroeconomics and finance, monetary theory and policy, political macroeconomics and socioeconomic...