This month’s events

52 results found
  1. Quiet Opening

    Quiet Opening

    Drop into the Wardlaw Museum for a Quiet Opening. Free from the hustle and bustle of a general visit, with adjusted operations, our Quiet Openings are designed...

  2. Relaxed drawing @ Wardlaw

    Relaxed drawing @ Wardlaw

    Drop into the Wardlaw Museum to relax and draw. Find a place in the galleries and take inspiration from great artworks, capture the detail of an ancient...

  3. Relaxed drawing @ Wardlaw

    Relaxed drawing @ Wardlaw

    Drop into the Wardlaw Museum to relax and draw. Find a place in the galleries and take inspiration from great artworks, capture the detail of an ancient...

  4. Middle East and Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari

    Middle East and Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari

    The politics of History and historical writing in modern Iran

    Middle East and Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari The politics of History and historical writing in modern Iran

  5. Chaplain's Conversation

    Chaplain's Conversation

    with Professor Silvia Paracchini

    In conversation with the Chaplain, Donald MacEwan, Professor Silvia Paracchini, will discuss her path to the University, what inspires her research and thoughts...

  6. Sunday Worship

    Sunday Worship

    Come join us for the University Service in St Salvator's Chapel with St Salvator's Chapel Choir. Gowns are welcome but not required. An optional,...

  7. Chaplain's Conversations with Professor Silvia Paracchini

    Chaplain's Conversations with Professor Silvia Paracchini

    FREE but please book

    Professor of Neurogenetics and Genomics, School of Medicine In conversation with the Chaplain, Donald MacEwan, Professor Silvia Paracchini will discuss her path...

  8. Medieval History Seminar -- Professor Barry Lewis (Dublin Institute for Advanced Study)

    Medieval History Seminar -- Professor Barry Lewis (Dublin Institute for Advanced Study)

    Narratives of early British Christianity in Jocelin's Life of St Kentigern and other 12th-century texts

    Medieval History Seminar -- Professor Barry Lewis (Dublin Institute for Advanced Study) -- Narratives of early British Christianity in Jocelin's...

  9. James Yorkston's Tae Sup Wi' A Fifer 2025

    James Yorkston's Tae Sup Wi' A Fifer 2025

    Pay What You Can: £21, £19, £17

    Tae Sup wi' a Fifer delivers a relaxed evening with a multi-artist line-up of big names and new discoveries from the worlds of music, poetry and spoken...

  10. Christine Bovill: Piaf to Pop

    Christine Bovill: Piaf to Pop


    Christine Bovill's award-winning shows Piaf and Paris established her reputation as one of Europe's finest interpreters of French song. In her new...

  11. Remaking 'Primordial Russian Land'

    Remaking 'Primordial Russian Land'

    The Imperial Russian Army's Occupation of Habsburg Galicia, 1914-1915' with guest speaker Prof Alexander Watson

    At the start of the First World War, the Imperial Russian Army invaded Habsburg Galicia --- a multi-ethnic region spread across today's southern...

  12. Contemporary Song Masterclass led by Lucy Schaufer and Piers Hellawell

    Contemporary Song Masterclass led by Lucy Schaufer and Piers Hellawell


    Joseph Atkinson, Luis Meseguer Mira, Gabriel Henrion (composers) Eve Cormack, Amy Dunn, Emily Kemp (singers) Three student composers have the new songs they...

  13. English Research Seminar Talk

    English Research Seminar Talk

    Dr Corey Gibson (University of Glasgow) 'The Worm Queen Turns: Helen Adam from Dundee Manse to California Coven'

    The poet, balladeer, and collagist Helen Adam (1909-1993) charted an uncommon course through the twentieth century. Drawing from extensive personal archives at...

  14. Medieval History Seminar -- Alison More (Bullough Fellow/Toronto St Michael's College)

    Medieval History Seminar -- Alison More (Bullough Fellow/Toronto St Michael's College)

    The Other Sister: Non-Cloistered Women Religious and the Search for Identity

    Medieval History Seminar -- Alison More (Bullough Fellow/Toronto St Michael's College) -- The Other Sister: Non-Cloistered Women Religious and...

  15. Relaxed drawing @ Wardlaw

    Relaxed drawing @ Wardlaw

    Drop into the Wardlaw Museum to relax and draw. Find a place in the galleries and take inspiration from great artworks, capture the detail of an ancient...

  16. Institute of Intellectual History -- Hannah Dawson (KCL)

    Institute of Intellectual History -- Hannah Dawson (KCL)

    Reconstructing early modern selfhood: the case of feminism

    Reconstructing early modern selfhood: the case of feminism

  17. Middle East & Iranian Seminar -- Dr Amir Parsa

    Middle East & Iranian Seminar -- Dr Amir Parsa

    The Emergence of Popular Sovereignty in Iran: A World Historical Perspective

    Middle East & Iranian Seminar -- Dr Amir Parsa The Emergence of Popular Sovereignty in Iran: A World Historical Perspective

  18. Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Giovanni Petrocelli

    Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Giovanni Petrocelli

    The University of Padua and the reluctant adoption of print

    Giovanni Petrocelli (St. Andrews) -- The University of Padua and the reluctant adoption of print

  19. Sunday Worship

    Sunday Worship

    Come join us for the University Service in St Salvator's Chapel with St Salvator's Chapel Choir. Gowns are welcome but not required. An optional,...

  20. Institute of Intellectual History -- Ann Thomson (European University Institute)

    Institute of Intellectual History -- Ann Thomson (European University Institute)

    Debating Enlightenment

    Debating Enlightenment