This month’s events
Clear allClimate change (Selected) Academic 23 Brown bag seminar 3 Byre World 3 Careers 3 Conference 4 Debate 3 Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) 3Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) 4 Energy café 2 Exhibition 3 Featured music centre event 5 Inaugural Lecture 3 Information sharing 5 Lecture 18 Meeting 3 Music 5 Panel discussion 3 Public Engagement 5 Q&A Session 5 Religious service 4 Round table discussion 4 Seminar 29 Social event 3 Theatre 6 Webinar 10 Wellbeing 13 Workshop 7
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Energy Cafe --- The Unjust Transition at Grangemouth Oil Refinery
Workers' Perspectives
Hosted by Dr Ewan Gibbs and Riyoko Shibe Fossil fuel workers are central protagonists in achieving a 'just transition' to a greener and fairer...
Energy Cafe: Whose transition?
Weighing up the costs and benefits of critical raw material extraction
Speakers Emma Wilson, ECW Energy Ltd (UK) and Austrian Polar Research Institute APRI Gerti Saxinger, Uni Vienna (AT) and Austrian Polar Research Institute APRI...