This month’s events
Clear allModern Languages (Selected) Art History 7 Biology 4 Biomedical Sciences Research Complex 4 Business School 8 Byre Theatre 6 Byre World 2 Centre for Energy Ethics 4Chaplaincy 8 Classics 6 Computer science 3 Divinity 11 Earth and Environmental Sciences 3 Economics and Finance 7 English 3 Global office 3 Global Research Centre for Diverse Intelligences 4 Graduate School 3 History 14 Human Resources 10 International Relations 11 Libraries and Museums 9 Management 3 Mathematics and Statistics 3 Medicine 4 Museums Learning & Access Team 4 Music Centre 16 Physics and Astronomy 3 Principal's office 3 Psychology and Neuroscience 6 Social Anthropology 4 The Byre Theatre 2
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Byre World 24/25: The Mothers of the Belgian Empire's Stolen Children
FREE but please book
During Belgium's colonisation of what are now the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi, mixed-'race' children born from relations...
Third Front Museums and Creative Parks in Urban Guizhou
Guest Talk by Dr Paul Kendall, University of Westminster
Since its beginnings in the 1960s, the Third Front (三线) has undergone a major discursive transformation, from military secret under Mao Zedong and economic...