This month’s events
Clear allSeminar (Selected) Wellbeing (Selected) Academic 54 Book launch 41 Brown bag seminar 40 Byre World 40 Careers 40 Climate change 41Conference 41 Debate 40 Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) 40 Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) 40 Energy café 41 Exhibition 40 Featured music centre event 42 Inaugural Lecture 40 Information sharing 42 Lecture 47 Meeting 40 Music 42 Panel discussion 40 Presentation 40 Public Engagement 42 Q&A Session 39 Religious service 41 Round table discussion 41 Social event 39 Theatre 43 Webinar 39 Workshop 44
Fully-matching results
Medieval History Seminar -- Professor Barry Lewis (Dublin Institute for Advanced Study)
Narratives of early British Christianity in Jocelin's Life of St Kentigern and other 12th-century texts
Medieval History Seminar -- Professor Barry Lewis (Dublin Institute for Advanced Study) -- Narratives of early British Christianity in Jocelin's...
Department of Economics Seminar with Professor Christoph Görtz, University of Augsburg
The Changing Nature of Technology Shocks
Professor Christoph Görtz is a scholar specializing in macroeconomics, financial economics, and monetary economics. Abstract: We document changes to the...
CREDI and Work, Organisations and Society research event
Not just hot flushes and mood swings: managing menopause transition in the workplace
This joint event with the Centre for Research into Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (CREDI) and the the Department of Management's Work, Organisations...
Art History Research Lecture: Dr Rachel Boyd
The 'Dudley Madonna': Devotion, Design, Display
Join us for Dr Rachel Boyd Research Lecture on 'The 'Dudley Madonna': Devotion, Design, Display' and a wine reception afterwards at 79...
Institute of Museums, Heritage and Society Annual Lecture
Museum Collections and Research
Please join us in School 2 at 5pm on the 12th of February for the Institute of Museums, Heritage and Society Annual Lecture given by Dr Sam Alberti, Director of...
Seminar Series: Collective Behaviour and Intelligence
Continuation of the discussion on collective representations
The goal of the Collective Behaviour and Intelligence seminar series is to explore the phenomena of collective behaviour and intelligence, the mechanisms...
Middle East and Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari
The politics of History and historical writing in modern Iran
Middle East and Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari The politics of History and historical writing in modern Iran
Induction of labour: What to expect
Do you think your little one might arrive late? Find out what your options are and how to look after your wellbeing during this time.
Most people naturally go into labour between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy, but sometimes you might need a helping hand. This is known as induction of labour,...
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar --- Prof Steve Boardman (University of Edinburgh)
Bruce before Barbour: The tales of the Outlaw King
This Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar presents Professor Steve Boardman (University of Edinburgh) -- Bruce before Barbour: The tales of...
Stop Cop City and the Future of Direct Action Environmental Justice
Special Guest Speaker - Joseph Brown
The Stop Cop City movement represents a convergence of racial justice, anarchism, and environmentalism. Activists employ a diversity of tactics to halt the...