This month’s events

35 results found
  1. Battles of the Nile: conflict and revolution in Sudan

    Battles of the Nile: conflict and revolution in Sudan

    Special guest speaker: Barney Afako

    This lecture will reflect on the histories of conflict and revolution in Sudan, analysing the causes and drivers of its multiple conflicts, including...

  2. Byre World 24/25: The Mothers of the Belgian Empire's Stolen Children

    Byre World 24/25: The Mothers of the Belgian Empire's Stolen Children

    FREE but please book

    During Belgium's colonisation of what are now the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi, mixed-'race' children born from relations...

  3. Seminar Series: Collective Behaviour and Intelligence

    Seminar Series: Collective Behaviour and Intelligence

    Continuation of the discussion on collective representations

    The goal of the Collective Behaviour and Intelligence seminar series is to explore the phenomena of collective behaviour and intelligence, the mechanisms...

  4. School of Chemistry Colloquium:  Dr Antonia Mey (University of Edinburgh)

    School of Chemistry Colloquium: Dr Antonia Mey (University of Edinburgh)

    Proteins under the computational microscope, from machine learning to molecular simulations

    Proteins drive most biological processes. Understanding how proteins function and how they interact with other molecules is essential for us to comprehend life...

  5. Induction of labour: What to expect

    Induction of labour: What to expect

    Do you think your little one might arrive late? Find out what your options are and how to look after your wellbeing during this time.

    Most people naturally go into labour between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy, but sometimes you might need a helping hand. This is known as induction of labour,...

  6. Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar --- Prof Steve Boardman (University of Edinburgh)

    Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar --- Prof Steve Boardman (University of Edinburgh)

    Bruce before Barbour: The tales of the Outlaw King

    This Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar presents Professor Steve Boardman (University of Edinburgh) -- Bruce before Barbour: The tales of...

  7. MAZE Psychology and Neuroscience conference

    MAZE Psychology and Neuroscience conference

    Ever wondered why you get butterflies in your stomach, or been curious to learn more about the links between diet and brain health? Have your questions answered...

  8. Lunch with a lecturer: Dr Ariadne Collins

    Lunch with a lecturer: Dr Ariadne Collins

    International Relations and VegSoc free lunch event

    Don't tell me there's no such thing as a free lunch... In a first for the Lunch with a lecturer series, we're partnering with the student...

  9. Stop Cop City and the Future of Direct Action Environmental Justice

    Stop Cop City and the Future of Direct Action Environmental Justice

    Special Guest Speaker - Joseph Brown

    The Stop Cop City movement represents a convergence of racial justice, anarchism, and environmentalism. Activists employ a diversity of tactics to halt the...

  10. CSTPV: Past Present and Future of Terrorism Studies Roundtable III: Next Generation Networks

    CSTPV: Past Present and Future of Terrorism Studies Roundtable III: Next Generation Networks

    MS Teams - Guest Speakers Jonathan Collins, Brenna Helm, Chloe Squires and Callie Vitro

    Speakers Jonathan Collins, Charles University Brenna Helm, University of Nebraska Omaha Chloe Squires, University of St Andrews Callie Vitro, University of...