This month’s events
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German -- British Relations Talk
Miguel Berger - German Ambassador to the UK
Ambassador Berger is visiting St Andrews on 3 October and as part of his visit, he would like to give a talk in English about German-British relations to all...
How central is Central Asia?
MECACS Seminar Series Event via MS Teams
How Central is Central Asia? Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Central Asia has gained increased international attention. Over the past two years, the...
Dr Emily Nordmann (Glasgow): The place and case for lectures (and lecture capture)
School of Psychology and Neuroscience Friday seminar series
The School of Psychology and Neuroscience seminar series presents a talk by Dr Emily Nordmann (Glasgow) which will be hosted by Dr Bobby May in Seminar Room 1...
International Colloquium "Rethinking Religion and Politics"
20th Anniversary of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics
CSRP International Colloquium 20th Anniversary: "Rethinking Religion and Politics" St. Mary's College Hall 10-5 (Registration required. Write...
Limited access
Museum Holiday Workshop
Awesome Aliens (7+)
Join us throughout our space journey. Learn, Craft and explore as we look into our Alien Worlds exhibition.
Limited access
Museum Holiday Workshop
Awesome Aliens (Under 7's)
Join us throughout our space journey. Learn, Craft and explore as we look into our Alien Worlds exhibition.
English Research Seminar --- Professor Elizabeth Archibald (University of Durham)
Bathing for Health and Pleasure in Medieval Literature and Society
Professor Elizabeth Archibald (University of Durham) will be giving a research seminar on "Bathing for Health and Pleasure in Medieval Literature and...
Film Studies Speaker Series: Silvia Casini
Senior Lecturer in Film and Visual Culture, University of Aberdeen
An academic talk exploring the Rassegna Internazionale del film Scientifico-didattico (International Festival of Scientific and Educational Film [IFSEF]), a...
The Andrew Carnegie Lecture Series --- Patricia Hill Collins
Reimagining community: intersectionality and participatory democracy
Patricia Hill Collins is Distinguished University Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of Maryland, College Park, and Charles Phelps Taft Professor...
Film Studies Speaker Series: Silvia Casini (Reader in Film & Visual Culture Aberdeen)
"In Search of a Format between the Wondrous and the Ordinary: The International Festival of Scientific and Didactic Film 1956-1975"
This talk will analyse the case of the International Festival of Scientific and Educational Film 1956-1975 (hence IFSEF) organised by the University of Padua in...