This month’s events
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Clear allThe St Andrews Reformation Studies Institute (Selected) Business school 5 Byre World 2 Centre for Energy Ethics 3 Chaplaincy 6 Global office 2 Global Research Centre for Diverse Intelligences 3 Human Resources 9Institute for the Study of War and Strategy (ISWS) 3 Institute of Iranian Studies 4 Museums Learning and Access Team 3 Museums of the University of St Andrews 6 Music Centre 14 Principal's office 2 School of Art History 6 School of Biology 2 School of Chemistry 2 School of Classics 5 School of Divinity 10 School of English 2 School of International Relations 3 School of Management 2 School of Modern Languages 2 School of Psychology and Neuroscience 3 St Andrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies 4 Student Society 2 The Byre Theatre 6 The Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence 5 The St Andrews Institute for Scottish Historical Research 3 The St Andrews Institute of Intellectual History 3 University of St Andrews 2 University of St Andrews Archaeological Society 2
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Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Giovanni Petrocelli
The University of Padua and the reluctant adoption of print
Giovanni Petrocelli (St. Andrews) -- The University of Padua and the reluctant adoption of print