This month’s events
Clear allArts Building (Selected) 65 South Street 11 Biomolecular Sciences Building 9 Buchanan Building 9 Buchanan Lecture Theatre 10 Caird Hall 9 Castlecliffe 10 Chaplaincy Centre 10Edgecliffe 9 Film Studies Boardroom 10 Holy Trinity Church 10 Irvine Building 11 Kennedy Hall 9 Laidlaw Music Centre 18 Lower College Hall 9 Online 18 Parliament Hall 12 Purdie Building 9 School I, St Salvator's Quad 9 School II, St Salvator's Quad 9 School III, St Salvator's Quad 11 School of Classics 12 School of Medicine 9 School of Physics and Astronomy 13 School of Psychology and Neuroscience 12 School V, St Salvator's Quad 10 Scott Lang Building 9 Scottish Ocean's Institute 9 St Andrews Botanic Garden 9 St John's House 11 St Leonard's Chapel 12 St Mary 9 St Salvator's Chapel 20 St Salvator's Quad 9 Students' Association 9 The Byre Theatre 13 The Gateway 9 United College 10 Wardlaw Museum 15
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Speaking IR Differently? Navigating Academia for Non-Native English Speakers
Join us for this roundtable discussion exploring the challenges and opportunities faced by scholars from non-English-speaking backgrounds, with practical...
Born of War in Colombia
CPCS - Book Talk
CPCS is hosting a book talk on Tatiana Sřnchez Parra's Born of War in Colombia: Reproductive Violence and Memories of Absence. Tatiana is a Marie...
CGLG Research Conversation on Global Governance in Hard Times
With Benjamin Faude
At this Research Conversation, we will be discussing Benjamin Faude's (University of Glasgow) paper, 'The Institutional Dynamics of Global...
International Negotiations in Times of Crisis
With a backchannel negotiator - CGLG and ISWS Co-Hosting
In this event, a backchannel negotiator will tell us about his experiences in negotiating in the Gaza conflict and in the Russia-Ukraine war, as well as other...
Narratives of exceptionality and the threat of cyberterrorism in liberal democracies
Reading & Discussion Group
"The Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies invites you to join its reading group, "Narratives of Exceptionality and the Threat of Cyberterrorism in...
'The "queer" in conflict research as subject, structure, and method' -- Book Launch
Book Launch with author Dr Samuel Ritholtz, Oxford University plus Roxani Krystalli and Rahul Rao
Bringing together a team of international scholars, this volume provides a foundational guide to queer methodologies in the study of political violence and...
Communal writing for dignity: the poetics against, of and despite trauma, war and sexual violence
Hosted by the School of IR EDI Committee and co-sponsored by Saints LGBT+
This workshop proposes communal writing as a public humanities and social sciences anti-methodology to study and transform the economies and politics emerging...
Stories of Hope, Survival and Change: Queer and Dalit re-imaginings of Cities in India
Abstract: I rarely visit home. It has been a decade since I migrated to Delhi for studies. My parents and grandmother were apprehensive about sending children...