This month’s events
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Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Katie Tycz
Documenting the History of Popular Religious Print in Early Modern Italy: Printed Prayers, c. 1460--1660
Katie Tycz (St. Andrews) -- 'Documenting the History of Popular Religious Print in Early Modern Italy: Printed Prayers, c. 1460--1660'
Institute of Intellectual History -- Hannah Dawson (KCL)
Reconstructing early modern selfhood: the case of feminism
Reconstructing early modern selfhood: the case of feminism
Middle East & Iranian Seminar -- Dr Amir Parsa
The Emergence of Popular Sovereignty in Iran: A World Historical Perspective
Middle East & Iranian Seminar -- Dr Amir Parsa The Emergence of Popular Sovereignty in Iran: A World Historical Perspective
Middle East and Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari
The politics of History and historical writing in modern Iran
Middle East and Iranian Seminar -- Professor Ali Ansari The politics of History and historical writing in modern Iran
Early Modern and Reformation Seminar -- Giovanni Petrocelli
The University of Padua and the reluctant adoption of print
Giovanni Petrocelli (St. Andrews) -- The University of Padua and the reluctant adoption of print
Institute of Intellectual History -- Ann Thomson (European University Institute)
Debating Enlightenment
Debating Enlightenment
Middle East and Iranian Seminar --- Dr Abbas Panakkal (St Andrews Visiting Scholar)
Musaliar King: Decolonial Historiography of Malabar Resistance
Middle East and Iranian Seminar with Dr Abbas Panakkal (Visiting Scholar) on 'Musaliar King: Decolonial Historiography of Malabar Resistance'.
Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Robin Whelan (University of Liverpool)
How to be Both: Models of Christian Political Service in Late Antiquity
Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Robin Whelan (University of Liverpool) -- How to be Both: Models of Christian Political Service in Late Antiquity
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar --- Prof Steve Boardman (University of Edinburgh)
Bruce before Barbour: The tales of the Outlaw King
This Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar presents Professor Steve Boardman (University of Edinburgh) -- Bruce before Barbour: The tales of...
Christine Bovill: Piaf to Pop
Christine Bovill's award-winning shows Piaf and Paris established her reputation as one of Europe's finest interpreters of French song. In her new...