This month’s events
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Clear allChaplaincy (Selected) Centre for Energy Ethics 3 Centre for Global Law and Governance (CGLG) 3 Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPCS) 3 Global Research Centre for Diverse Intelligences 3 Institute for the Study of War and Strategy (ISWS) 4 Institute of Iranian Studies 4 Institute of Middle East, Central Asia and Caucasus Studies (MECACS) 3Museums of the University of St Andrews 5 Music Centre 3 Principal's office 3 School of Art History 5 School of Classics 4 School of English 4 School of International Relations 6 School of Modern Languages 4 St Andrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies 4 The Byre Theatre 7 The Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence 4 The St Andrews Institute for Scottish Historical Research 3 The St Andrews Institute of Intellectual History 4 The St Andrews Reformation Studies Institute 3
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Chaplain's Conversation
with Professor Silvia Paracchini
In conversation with the Chaplain, Donald MacEwan, Professor Silvia Paracchini, will discuss her path to the University, what inspires her research and thoughts...
Sunday Worship
Founders and Benefactors
To commemorate the Founders and Benefactors of the University, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Rt Revd Dr Shaw Paterson, will...