This month’s events
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Clear allOnline (Selected) 65 South Street 2 Arts Building 6 Buchanan Lecture Theatre 2 Holy Trinity Church 3 Irvine Building 3 Kennedy Hall 3 Laidlaw Music Centre 9Parliament Hall 2 School I, St Salvator's Quad 2 School III, St Salvator's Quad 2 School of Psychology and Neuroscience 4 School V, St Salvator's Quad 2 School VI, St Salvator's Quad 2 St Andrews Botanic Garden 2 St John's House 4 St Leonard's Chapel 4 St Salvator's Chapel 10 St Salvator's Quad 2 The Bell Pettigrew Museum 2 The Byre Theatre 4 United College 3 Wardlaw Museum 6
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Medieval History Seminar -- Professor David Ganz (University of Zurich) -- ONLINE
The City of the Book. Medieval Treasure Bindings and the Gospels as the "Portable Fatherland" of Christian Europe
Medieval History Seminar -- Professor David Ganz (University of Zurich) -- ONLINE -- The City of the Book. Medieval Treasure Bindings and the...