This month’s events
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PGT Academic Fayre
If you're thinking about what to do after graduation, why not come along to the PGT Academic Fayre and find out more about all the exciting Masters...
Ailbhe NĂ Ghearbhuigh: From the Irish: bringing a minority language out into the world
Acclaimed Irish-language poet and translator, Dr Ailbhe NĂ Ghearbhuigh will read a selection of her recent work and reflect on the challenges of writing and...
PEPtalk: Researching Net Zero
How to direct policy as energy scientists?
The implementation of Net Zero strategies is urgent, but a complex undertaken. Energy researchers play a fundamental role in shaping our future energy...
Third Front Museums and Creative Parks in Urban Guizhou
Guest Talk by Dr Paul Kendall, University of Westminster
Since its beginnings in the 1960s, the Third Front (三线) has undergone a major discursive transformation, from military secret under Mao Zedong and economic...
School of Chemistry Colloquium: Professor David Scanlon (University of Birmingham)
Computational Prediction and Experimental Realisation of New Transparent Conducting Oxides
Transparent conducting oxides have become ubiquitous in modern optoelectronics. The number of oxides that are transparent to visible light and have the...
English Research Seminar --- Dr Simon Grimble (Durham university)
'Everyone hates a sad professor': imagining the literary critic in contemporary Britain and America
The paper will look at recent representations of the figure of the literary critic and situate them in relation to the history of thinking about the purpose and...