This month’s events
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ITIA Research Seminar
'Introducing Gospel as Work of Art'. Professor David Brown (St Andrews)
'Introducing Gospel as Work of Art'. Professor David Brown (St Andrews). St Marys College Hall. 11.00 a.m. --- 12.30 p.m.
ITIA Research Seminar
'Introducing Gospel as Work of Art'. Professor David Brown (St Andrews)
'Introducing Gospel as Work of Art'. Professor David Brown (St Andrews). St Marys College Hall. 11.00 a.m. --- 12.30 p.m.
Third Front Museums and Creative Parks in Urban Guizhou
Guest Talk by Dr Paul Kendall, University of Westminster
Since its beginnings in the 1960s, the Third Front (三线) has undergone a major discursive transformation, from military secret under Mao Zedong and economic...
Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group meeting
'WOASIS' writing workshop for work in progress
This meeting of the Department of Management's Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group will continue the Work, Organisations and Society...
School of Chemistry Colloquium: Professor David Scanlon (University of Birmingham)
Computational Prediction and Experimental Realisation of New Transparent Conducting Oxides
Transparent conducting oxides have become ubiquitous in modern optoelectronics. The number of oxides that are transparent to visible light and have the...
New Testament Research Seminar
"The Transfigured Community: An Intertextual Reading of Luke 9:28-36", Tessa Hayashida (University of St Andrews),
"The Transfigured Community: An Intertextual Reading of Luke 9:28-36", Tessa Hayashida (University of St Andrews), St Mary's College,...
New Testament Research Seminar
"The Transfigured Community: An Intertextual Reading of Luke 9:28-36", Tessa Hayashida (University of St Andrews),
"The Transfigured Community: An Intertextual Reading of Luke 9:28-36", Tessa Hayashida (University of St Andrews), St Mary's College,...
How to perform first aid on young children
Accidents and emergencies involving your child may leave you feeling shocked and helpless. Equip yourself to handle these situations with confidence.
From bumps and bruises to burns and choking, learn what to do in case of an accident or emergency involving your child. Join health visitor and paediatric nurse...
Staying healthy during menopause
Staying on top of your health during menopause can feel like a challenge. Here's how to make it easier.
Menopause symptoms, such as brain fog, hot flushes, joint pain and mood swings, can make it hard to feel in control of your health. The good news is that small...