Past event

Twelve years on: the aftermath of the Syrian uprising Centre for Syrian Studies seminar

In late 2016, Syrian forces, backed by Russia and Iran, recaptured eastern Aleppo. The battle for the city had been a prolonged, bloody and strategically important standoff between government forces and anti-government armed groups that had taken a terrible toll on civilians.
For twelve years, al-Assad's permanent representative to the security council had used the threat of terrorism to justify sieges on whole cities and neighbourhoods, the use of barrel bombs on civilians, and attacks on medical personnel and facilities.

Join us with special guests –
Chair, Ola Rifai, Deputy Director Centre for Syrian Studies
Aron Lund, Middle East analyst at the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI).
the Islamist Struggle in Northern Syria.
Carsten Wieland, senior advisor for the Middle East for the Green Party Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag, former advisor, UN Special representative on Syria,
The diplomatic path: any way beyond a frozen conflict?
Rashad Kattan, a political economist and financial crime compliance specialist.
Economic outlook in the second decade of the conflict; between sanctions and reconstruction
Marwan Kalaban, Director of Political Studies at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies
(ACRPS), Doha.
The Shifting Dynamics of the Syrian Conflict: Alignments and Realignments in the Post-Ukraine War period.