Past event
Loaves and fishes in St Andrews: excavations at 100 North Street
Julie Franklin Finds, Archiving and Post-Excavation Project Manager at Headland Archaeology Scotland presents new findings from recent excavations at 100 North Street, St Andrews. Located within the medieval burgh of St Andrews the excavation recovered evidence for medieval and post-medieval activity. Occupation predominantly dates to the later 12th and 13th centuries but there are also hints of pre-burghal activity. Features included boundary ditches, extraction pits, water management features and a possible bread oven. A 16th-century stone-built latrine pit contained waterlogged cess deposits. There was evidence of luxury items such as grapes and a decorative glass vessel, while a large fish bone assemblage allowed comparison of fishing practices between the medieval and post-medieval periods.
FREE to Arch Soc members and students. Donations on the door.