Past event

Emotions and thinking: an approach for Higher Education teachers with Dr Joanne Irving-Walton (Teeside) School of Psychology and Neuroscience Friday seminar series

The School of Psychology and Neuroscience seminar series presents a talk by Dr Joanne Irving-Walton (Teeside) which will be hosted by Dr Anna Smith in Seminar Room 1 and accessible online through MS Teams.

Emotions in education can impact the quality of thinking and learning, both positively and negatively, yet emotions often continue to be considered and addressed primarily in relation to the pastoral aspects of the learning experience or through the vehicle of personal tutoring and academic advising. To address this, a professional development approach was created to support higher education teachers to plan for the learning related emotions within their subject teaching and curriculum.

This presentation outlines the on-going development of this training package for academic staff which has been delivered as part of their professional development. The training focuses on a practical way of approaching the integration of emotions within a wide range of learning environments to enhance the quality of productive thought. It aims to create a smooth connection between academic subject areas and wider student support services in order to foster a richer student experience whilst providing a more effective balance for teaching staff.

This training approach seeks to build on individual levels of existing knowledge and was iteratively designed to equip staff with a choice of strategies. It encourages academics to leverage the emotional climate of learning, fostering a more conscious and deliberate focus on emotions to enhance the quality of thinking within the classroom and beyond. The presentation will consider the development process and explores how experiential, institutional, and professional factors shaped the approach taken. It will share how the program has been implemented and impacted teaching practices within various disciplines and settings to date.