Past event

Dr Emily Nordmann (Glasgow): The place and case for lectures (and lecture capture)  School of Psychology and Neuroscience Friday seminar series

The School of Psychology and Neuroscience seminar series presents a talk by Dr Emily Nordmann (Glasgow) which will be hosted by Dr Bobby May in Seminar Room 1 and accessible online through MS Teams.

In this session I will discuss the evolution of research on lecture capture, from focusing on the links between recording live lectures and attendance, to the integration of using lecture recordings as a generic study skill, to the impact of recording on widening participation and inclusivity. I will argue that the experience of the pivot to online has shown that live, face-to-face lectures (with lecture capture) still have a place in higher education and that concerns about engagement must not be used to roll back the bare minimum of accessibility provision. Finally, I will discuss strategies and interventions for how to promote self-regulation and professionalism more generally.