Past event
Department of Economics Seminar with Professor Michael Whinston, MIT United States vs Google LLC (2023) antitrust case
Professor Whinston is the Sloan Fellows Professor of Management in the Applied Economics Group at MIT Sloan and Professor of Economics in the Economics Department. Whinston is a coauthor of the leading graduate textbook in microeconomics, Microeconomic Theory [Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green, Oxford University Press, 1995), and is the author of Lectures on Antitrust Economics [The MIT Press, 2006).
His research has covered various microeconomics and industrial organisation topics, including firm behaviour in oligopolistic markets, antitrust, game theory, the design of contracts and organisations, law and economics, and, most recently, health economics. He has served as co-editor of the RAND Journal of Economics, the leading journal in industrial organisation. He is currently on the editorial board of the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.