Past event

Byre Youth and Community Arts presents Is My Microphone On? Pay What You Can: £12/£10/£8

In August 2022, Byre Youth and Community Arts were selected to participate in Connections, the National Theatre's annual, nationwide youth theatre festival.

This talented, local community group comprises young people aged between 15 and 18 years old will perform this piece at the Byre before touring to Pitlochry (and hopefully London – if they are selected). The National Theatre gave BYCA the script for Is my microphone on?, a play in the form of a protest song, in which a chorus of young performers hold the audience to account, and invite them to experience the world together anew.

Written by Jordan Tannahill, who worked with a group of young people to create the play's premier productions in Düsseldorf and Toronto, the title is inspired by a line from Greta Thunberg's speech to British MPs at the Houses of Parliament in April 2019.

Running time: 1h
Age: 12+

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