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66 results found
  1. Perceptions of Illegitimate Violence in Intercultural Wars in German East Africa (circa 1884 to 1914)

    Perceptions of Illegitimate Violence in Intercultural Wars in German East Africa (circa 1884 to 1914)

    ISWS Spring Seminar with Professor Tanja Bührer, University of Salzburg

    Tanja Bührer's lecture explores what was considered legitimate and illegitimate violence in intercultural wars in the colonial realm during the fin de...

  2. Chasing World War I Ghosts: Re-learning IR through the Togoland Campaign

    Chasing World War I Ghosts: Re-learning IR through the Togoland Campaign

    St Andrews Distinguished Teacher Lecture

    : Dr. Yolande Bouka is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Studies at Queen's University. She is an interdisciplinary scholar and...

  3. The use and misuse of the 'local turn'  -- Distinguished Scholar Lecture

    The use and misuse of the 'local turn' -- Distinguished Scholar Lecture

    Oliver P Richmond

    In this talk I try to develop a reassessment of the critical project for peace and conflict research. Firstly, I outline the main challenges and critiques...

  4. Maré from the Inside: Race, Gender and Utopia in Rio de Janeiro's Favelas

    Maré from the Inside: Race, Gender and Utopia in Rio de Janeiro's Favelas

    Photographs, films, and texts...

    Maré from the Inside: Race, Gender and Utopia in Rio de Janeiro's Favelas Maré from the Inside is an interactive multi-media exhibit developed by...

  5. "Hostages of Empire: Colonial Prisoners of War and Vichy France"

    "Hostages of Empire: Colonial Prisoners of War and Vichy France"

    ISWS Seminar Series via MS Teams

    Hostages of Empire, Colonial Prisoners of War in Vichy France, won the 2022 Alf Andrew Heggoy Prize awarded by the French Colonial History Society in...

  6. Activism in the West Bank in times of war

    Activism in the West Bank in times of war

    Adi Lifshitz

    Through the first couple of days of the war, it became clear there was an immediate need for humanitarian support in the Palestinian community, both in the...

  7. Working with the media: translating academic knowledge for wider audiences

    Working with the media: translating academic knowledge for wider audiences

    Masterclass with Jenny Mathers, University of Aberystwyth

    Universities and funding bodies increasingly expect researchers to engage in knowledge exchange and to work with stakeholders to increase the impact of their...

  8. Horizons Blossom, Borders Vanish: Anarchism and Yiddish Literature With Dr Anna Elena Torres

    Horizons Blossom, Borders Vanish: Anarchism and Yiddish Literature With Dr Anna Elena Torres

    Conversation with Dr Jeffrey Stevenson Murer, Director of the Centre for Art and Politics with conversational and musical contributions from Michael Alpert.

    Dr Anna Elena Torres will read from her latest book Horizons Blossom, Borders Vanish: Anarchism and Yiddish Literature, in a conversation with Dr Jeffrey...

  9. Building a just Scotland: an evening with human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar

    Building a just Scotland: an evening with human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar

    In conversation with IR student Josh Traynor

    Acclaimed human rights lawyer and campaigner Aamer Anwar is visiting the University of St Andrews to share his life-long journey championing human rights and...

  10. "Protest and Persistence: Analysing the Sweida Movement's Dynamics and Future Pathways."

    "Protest and Persistence: Analysing the Sweida Movement's Dynamics and Future Pathways."

    CSS Teams Event - email irevents for the link to take part.

    "The protest movement that erupted in Sweida last year continues to gain attention, particularly as it unfolds in a region predominantly inhabited by the...