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Ed Byrne: Tragedy Plus Time
From the quote attributed to Mark Twain, humour is defined as Tragedy Plus Time. Come and join Ed as he tests that formula by mining the most tragic event in...
Logos Institute research seminar -- Autumn 2023, week 9
Professor Gavin D'Costa (Bristol & Rome), 'Ecclesiology: Why Jewish Catholicism is essential to the nature of the Catholic Church'
The weekly research seminar of the Logos Institute for Analytic and Exegetical Theology takes places on Fridays from 3.30 to 5pm in the Senior Common Room of St...
Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts research seminar -- Martinmas 2023, week 9
Professor Ian Bradley (St Andrews), 'There is a happy land, far, far away: Victorian Hymns about Heaven'
Seminar led by St Andrews' own Prof. Ian Bradley. ITIA research seminars meet each Friday during the academic year in St Mary's College Hall as a...
CALL FOR PAPERS: Saints English Graduate Conference
An interdisciplinary conference run by and for postgraduate and early career researchers. This year's theme is 'Play and Pleasure'.
This interdisciplinary conference aims to explore the dynamic relationships between play and pleasure in various literary and cultural contexts, while...
Write for rights in Gaza
Join Amnesty St Andrews for this event to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Opportunities to make your voice heard include: Signing petitions Writing...
Biblical Studies research seminar -- Martinmas 2023, week 10
Dr Sam Newington (Aberdeen), Monsters in the Biblical and Classical World
This seminar features Dr Sam Newington of the University of Aberdeen, who will be presenting a paper on the topic of monsters in the Biblical and Classical...
Applied Microeconomics Seminar with Professor Ina Ganguli, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Violent Conflict and Academic Research: Evidence from the 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine
Ina's research areas are labour economics and the economics of science and innovation. She has recent papers on the topics of international migration of...
Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics research seminar --- Autumn 2023, week 10
Dr Eric Stoddart (St Andrews), 'Practising Divine Gaze: Is there any sacramental potential in digital surveillance?'
CSRP research seminars and lectures take place on Thursdays during the term from 11.15am in College Hall, St Mary's College. This week, our very own...
Poetry Slam --- Inklight x Wardlaw
Join Inklight Creative Writing Society for an atmospheric poetry slam in the Wardlaw Museum, inspired by culture and place. Grab a cocktail and listen to...
Logos Institute research seminar -- Autumn 2023, week 10
Dr Daniel Hill (Liverpool), 'Does God Intend that Sin Occur?'
The weekly research seminar of the Logos Institute for Analytic and Exegetical Theology takes places on Fridays from 3.30 to 5pm in the Senior Common Room of St...