All events

52 results found
  1. Scotland's NHS?

    Scotland's NHS?

    A Workshop on Healthcare Accessibility

    What does it mean to have access to healthcare? What things contribute to whether someone can be said to have access to healthcare? Can a healthcare service...

  2. ITIA Fireside Chat with Professor Ben Quash
    Limited access

    ITIA Fireside Chat with Professor Ben Quash

    Conversations on Theology and Visual Arts

    This Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts (ITIA) summer Fireside Chat will feature Professor Ben Quash, who will be discussing his projects in the...

  3. Opening Lecture of the School of Divinity

    Opening Lecture of the School of Divinity

    to be given by Prof. Sabine Hyland, 'God Tied in Knots: Sacred Cord Writing of the Andes'. Followed by a reception.

  4. Systematic and Historical Theology seminar -- Martinmas 2024, week 1

    Systematic and Historical Theology seminar -- Martinmas 2024, week 1

    Jonathan Edwards and Theology in Enlightenment - 'A prejudice against prejudice'? Constructing 'Enlightenment'

    This week's theology reading seminar in the Jonathan Edwards and Theology in Enlightenment series is on the topic 'A prejudice against...

  5. Biblical Studies research seminar -- Martinmas 2024, week 1

    Biblical Studies research seminar -- Martinmas 2024, week 1

    Prof John Barclay (Durham), "Threatened with Sale? The Occasion, Strategy, and Purpose of Paul's Letter to Philemon"

    Weekly research seminars for biblical studies are held throughout both terms. Each semester, a central topic is chosen and postgraduates, faculty, and visiting...

  6. Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics research seminar -- 2024 semester 1, week 1

    Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics research seminar -- 2024 semester 1, week 1

    'Commonwealth Inter-Religious Graves: The Epistemology of the Dead in India', Professor Mario I. Aguilar (St Andrews)

    The introductory seminar for the 2024-2025 academic year is given by the Director of the CSRP, Professor Mario I. Aguilar, who will speak on the topic...

  7. Logos Institute research seminar -- 2024 semester 1, week 1

    Logos Institute research seminar -- 2024 semester 1, week 1

    Rev Dr Dominic Legge, O.P. (Dominican House of Studies), 'The Mind of Christ'

    The weekly research seminar of the Logos Institute for Analytic and Exegetical Theology takes places on Fridays from 3.30 to 5pm in the Senior Common Room of St...

  8. Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts research seminar -- Martinmas 2024, week 1

    Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts research seminar -- Martinmas 2024, week 1

    Dr Jane Pettegree (St Andrews), 'Church Music at the Crossroads: Hymn Lists as Practical Ministry'

    During the academic year, I.T.I.A. postgraduates, faculty and guests meet each Friday from 12.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. in St Mary's College Hall. For...

  9. Faith and the Future of Scotland

    Faith and the Future of Scotland

    Join us for discussion on how faith can positively shape the future of Scotland by dialoguing across religious and political divides

    Come join us for an engaging discussion on the role of faith in shaping the future of Scotland. Funded by Scotland's Future Series and organised at the...

  10. Book launch: Professor Ramin Jahanblegoo

    Book launch: Professor Ramin Jahanblegoo

    With a response by Dr Debora Tonelli

    This book launch, open to all the university community, and hosted by Professor Mario I Aguilar, Director of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics,...